The 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics
- The next edition of the Congress will be held in Marseille, France on 28 August - 2 September 2017 (view)
- Proceedings of Metamaterials 2016 have been published on IEEE Xplore (view)
Program booklet can be downloaded here.
The Tenth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics – Metamaterials'2016, will comprise a 4-day Conference (19–22 September), and a 2-day Doctoral School (17–18 September). Organized by the METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL ( and hosted by the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), this Congress follows the success of Metamaterials 2007-2015 and continues the traditions of the highly successful series of International Conferences on Complex Media and Metamaterials (Bianisotropics) and Rome International Workshops on Metamaterials and Special Materials for Electromagnetic Applications and Telecommunications. The Congress will provide a unique topical forum to share the latest results of the metamaterials research in Europe and worldwide and bring together the engineering, physics, and material science communities working onartificial materials and their applications from microwaves to optical frequencies, as well as in acoustics, mechanics, and thermodynamics.
The program includes
Special event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the congress series, organized by Filiberto Bilotti and Alexander Schuchinsky
1. Sergei Tretyakov (Aalto University), Filiberto Bilotti (University Roma Tre), Alexander Schuchinsky (Queen's University Belfast): Origins and history
2. Martin Wegener (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): 10 years Metamaterials Congress: Status and breadth of the field
3. Nader Engheta (University of Pennsylvania): The next ten years
4. Nikolay Zheludev (University of Southampton, UK & NTU, Singapore): What you always wanted to know about the future of metamaterials, but were afraid to ask
Welcome to the Congress!
First announcement (download)
Call for papers (download)
Best Theory paper award
co-sponsored by
Authors: Maxim Gorlach and Pavel Belov
Title: “Nonlocality in Discrete Nonlinear Metamaterials”
Best Experimental paper award
co-sponsored by
Authors: Angela Demetriadou, Anna Lombardi, Jan Mertens, Ortwin Hess, Javier Aizpurua, and Jeremy Baumberg
Title: “Anomalous Spectral Shifts in Extreme Plasmonic Nano-Cavities”
Best Poster award
sponsored by
Authors: Artemios Karvounis, Jun-Yu Ou, Behrad Gholipour, Kevin F. MacDonald and Nikolay I Zheludev
Title: “Nanomechanically Reconfigurable All-dielectric Metasurfaces for Sub-GHz Optical Modulation”
Student Paper competition
click here